
Proud to be supporting Salon Life

THALGO UK LIMITED invite you to discover radiant beauty.

Thalgo UK Limited, established in 1985 based in London, is a leading provider of marine cosmetics, spa treatments and hair removal systems. The company integrates our strong infrastructure into a national network of customer-centric support.

Thalgo UK hosts 2 powerful brands in the portfolio namely Thalgo la Beauté Marine and Perron Rigot.

Thalgo la Beauté Marine is renowned for its professional marine treatments and retail products, trusted by over 500 resort spas and 20,000 spas and salons in 90+ countries worldwide. THALGO boasts a fully comprehensive state-of-art range of
professional Spa treatments and home care for men and women, which includes face and body, hydrotherapy, sun care and Nutri-Cosmetics.

Perron Rigot brand is a respected French hair-removal wax with 80 years of expertise. The Product range stands out through their inherent value, as they are not only vegan and organic but also embody a commitment to health, sustainability,
and ethical choices.

Thalgo la Beaute Marine pioneers the use of Micronised Marine Algae (MMA), the cornerstone of the brand, extracting vital ingredients from underwater algae for effective skincare solutions. THALGO’s Holistic Vision of Beauty combines Efficacy and Well-Being ensuring a 360° offering that is not only results-driven, but also sensorial while promoting overall well-being.

Thalgo's legacy extends much further than only products and protocols; it is rooted in an unwavering commitment to sustainability. For 60 years, Thalgo has offered skincare products that are not only effective but also environmentally conscious.

Collaborating with partners worldwide, Thalgo remains steadfast in the five commitments –

  1. “clean ocean”,
  2. “clean beauty”,
  3. “green pack”,
  4. “green factory”, and
  5. “eco-gestures”

.. ensuring that the products are not only kind to the skin but also gentle on the sea.

The value-add THALGO UK Limited offers you include preferred prices on pre-determined tiers, yielding higher profit margins. We will provide you with the opportunity to attract and retain new clientele supported by complementary training which covers theoretical and practical aspects of the range as well as sales tips and techniques. Marketing support is offered to ensure brand presence and sales optimization within your spa/salon.

For more information on Thalgo UK Limited and its marine-based skincare solutions, and hair removal systems:
Telephone: 020 7512 0872
or click the link above to visit our website.